Getting Your Parent The Care They Need

What You Should Know About Skilled Nursing Facilities

Skilled nursing facilities offer an advanced level of care for people who need to be in close communication with specialists. Here is some information you can use if one of your loved ones requires the type of assistance that a skilled nursing facility can provide: 1. Some amount of skilled nursing care is covered by insurance. If your loved one needs skilled nursing care, their insurance company will likely be able to cover at least some of the cost. Read More 

3 Services to Check Out When Moving a Loved One to a Nursing Home

Moving a loved one to a nursing home is never easy, but when caring for the person at home is more than a family can manage, there's often no other choice. In the case an individual needing memory care due to Alzheimer's or another form of dementia, skilled nursing care might be required for the individual's safety and well-being. And from a financial standpoint, the average yearly cost of nursing home care is more than double the cost of in-home care, but Medicaid covers the cost of nursing facilities, making them the only option for families with limited means. Read More 

How Physical Therapy Can Benefit Your Elderly Loved One Suffering With Dementia

In the past, health care professionals did not consider physical therapy for patients suffering from dementia because it is a terminal condition. However, some patients that have neurodegenerative diseases can live for several years before they are completely consumed by the condition. More medical personnel are considering the benefits of physical therapy for patients with neurodegenerative disease to help improve their quality of life despite the fact there is no cure for these types of conditions. Read More 

How To Pay For Assisted Living

If you're a senior citizen with medical needs that may require assisted living, you probably have many questions. One of the most important questions to ask is how you can pay for the care you need. Here is a guide with ways you can pay for assisted living: Medicare If you're 65 years or older, you may qualify for Medicare. Medicare can help pay for the costs of nursing homes and in home care. Read More 

Helping Parents Transition To Assisted Living

Assisted living arrangements should make your role as a caretaker much less over time, but the first several weeks of assisted living may be a big adjustment for your parent. Here are some ways that you can facilitate the transition to make sure your parent is comfortable and happy.  Help with the Emotional Adjustment Leaving their adult home can be difficult for an elderly parent. This is why many families help with the emotional adjustment to make sure that the parent has a positive view on their new living arrangement. Read More