In the past, health care professionals did not consider physical therapy for patients suffering from dementia because it is a terminal condition. However, some patients that have neurodegenerative diseases can live for several years before they are completely consumed by the condition. More medical personnel are considering the benefits of physical therapy for patients with neurodegenerative disease to help improve their quality of life despite the fact there is no cure for these types of conditions.
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If you're a senior citizen with medical needs that may require assisted living, you probably have many questions. One of the most important questions to ask is how you can pay for the care you need. Here is a guide with ways you can pay for assisted living:
If you're 65 years or older, you may qualify for Medicare. Medicare can help pay for the costs of nursing homes and in home care.
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Assisted living arrangements should make your role as a caretaker much less over time, but the first several weeks of assisted living may be a big adjustment for your parent. Here are some ways that you can facilitate the transition to make sure your parent is comfortable and happy.
Help with the Emotional Adjustment
Leaving their adult home can be difficult for an elderly parent. This is why many families help with the emotional adjustment to make sure that the parent has a positive view on their new living arrangement.
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If you own an assisted living facility like Grace Assisted Living and the time changes where you live, your residents may have a difficult time adjusting to this at first. This is because there is less sun in the morning and more daylight during the evening, and this may affect their sleep schedule and their routines. Follow the tips below so you can help your residents get through this change.
Help with Sleep Issues
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If your adult child has a disability that allows them to primarily take care of themselves and live independently, but they still need some support, then a supported living community may be the ideal solution. A supported living community allows them to live as independently as possible while still addressing their unique needs. Here are three things you need to know about moving your adult child into a supported living community.
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