How To Prepare A Senior Loved One With Dementia For A Move Into An Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living facilities can help seniors with dementia by providing personalized care and improving their quality of life. However, for persons with cognitive disorders, moving to an assisted living facility can be daunting. Such drastic changes can worsen dementia symptoms and trigger stress and anxiety. Thus, as you try to find quality care for your senior loved one, it's crucial to facilitate a smooth transition. Below are four tips to prepare your loved one for the move into a senior assisted living facility.

Find a Facility Close to Home

Change can be difficult for seniors with dementia. Therefore, choosing a facility in an unfamiliar state or community can worsen your loved one's mental condition. Therefore, try to find a senior living facility close to their home. It can be in the same city or state, depending on the available options. Since your loved one will still be in the same community, the transition will be seamless. Also, the closeness will allow other family members to visit often, which can significantly improve your loved one's quality of life.

Find Activities That Boost Mental Health

Assisted living facilities offer different activities to boost physical and mental health. For persons with dementia, it's crucial to engage in activities that relax the brain, improve memory and concentration, and boost brain function. Some of these activities include:

  • Art therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Book reading sessions

You can also craft personalized activities to help boost mental health. For example, picture puzzles of family members can help a senior remember the faces of their loved ones. If your loved one loves certain activities, such as knitting, gardening, or reading, they should be allowed to continue enjoying these hobbies while in the facility.

Schedule Multiple Pre-Move Visits

Pre-move visits allow persons to get accustomed to the new environment before the moving day. However, for persons with dementia, one visit may not be enough. Schedule several visits, preferably once or twice a week, so your loved one can become comfortable in the new space. If the facility has an event or activity coming up, plan to attend it and encourage your loved one to make friends. 

Pack Familiar Objects

Someone with memory loss needs to be surrounded by familiar things. Therefore, instead of buying new furniture and furnishings, move your loved one's old items into their new home. You can also organize furniture the same way it was in their former home. Remember to pack sentimental items such as their favorite chair, book, knitting kit, bedding, family pictures, and decorations.

Ease your loved one's transition into an assisted living facility by observing the above tips. For more information, contact a local assisted living facility, like GREAT LAKES SENIOR LIVING.
