Dealing With Leg Paralysis From a Stroke With the Help of a Nurse
Sitting around at home after a stroke with partial leg paralysis is not only frustrating, but it can lead to your condition becoming worse. You need help from a home care nurse on a daily basis so he or she can help you put your legs to use and attempt to improve the condition. Discover in this article why hiring a nurse for your daily needs is in your best interest.
What Can a Nurse Do for a Stroke Victim with Leg Paralysis?
Being that you had a stroke, getting assistance from a home care nurse is the best way to prevent having another one. For instance, if you had the stroke after your blood pressure rose to a high level, a nurse can make sure it is kept at a safe level. He or she will monitor your blood pressure during the visits to your house. Your other vitals will also be monitored to make sure you are not suffering from a condition that needs prompt medical attention.
The most important reason why you should hire a home care nurse is to make sure you get help with moving your legs. You don't want to continue sitting around your house with leg paralysis because it can lead to what is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This condition happens when you are not keeping your legs active, as blood does not flow through them as well as it should. The lack of blood flow can lead to clots developing that can get inside of your lungs or cause your blood pressure to reach a dangerous level. The nurse will massage your legs and help you attempt to take steps on your own.
Can a Home Care Nurse Assist with Services Outside of the House?
A home care nurse can help with taking you to see your doctor, which is great since leg paralysis may be preventing you from driving. He or she will also help you get around if you want to go out shopping or enjoy leisure activities. If you don't feel like grocery shopping, the nurse will be able to pick up some items on your behalf. He or she can also assist with helping you get dressed before you leave the house as well as other activities, such as bathing, combing hair or finding a nice outfit to wear.
However, if you decide that you may need more watchful care than home care, consider looking into local nursing homes, such as Beth Sholom Home Of Virginia, to determine which one is best for you.